Sunday, November 18, 2012

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Of a greatly ring, bump to open city gate, flicked knife to kill to go into city.Reach a not wild thou to take the lead, saw Li Nian Tang of positive and triangle city general Han Dou.
Reach a not wild thou call way:"Good brothers, I came to save you!"Li Nian Tang at most urgently the juncture didn't betray him, his heart saves to appreciate and offends to inherit triangle city and rob at the first blunt come in, give relief to the good brothers of this handout spirit!
The triangle city general chops down win Li Nian Tang's left leg, lift a step into the shot, raise knife to his head up chop down to go, reach not wild ancient long the pike sell to fly to, shout information in,dr dre beats, long the pike lead towards wearing but before the chest in the general, long the voice bellow in, the machete falls to the ground in the general hand, ten knives of Li Nian Tang, hewed away the skull of general!
Reach a not wild thou plan horse to arrive at Li Nian Tang before the body, 2 people hope one eye with each other, who don't also talk, just stretch out a hand tightly and hold together, friends until death, talk not necessary and more!
The Piao rides soldier Feng to hug into city and raises torch and burns down everythings in the triangle city all, wildfire candle sky, reflect the night sky red, several ten inside the outside can see this wildfire!
The Han Qi foresight food for powder madly sets fire Fen city and has never taken into to obstruct, his born nature is cruel, kill people not to open eyes, face Piao to ride a soldier, ground Be, only all commander-in-chief one person meeting cant not bear to heart, he just can't!On the contrary issue order, the Fen city immediately moves teacher after and enters shot Zhao Huai En's green Tang this troops!
Big nobility and parts of common people's eyes that before escapes see the triangle city wildfire in the distance blunt sky of and all rejoice oneself escape in advance, the small life can keep intact, can they all take property, and then is a camel and is a box of, really run not and quickly.Led one small meeting, behind a troops rushed through to come up, but is triangle city ground defeated troops, defeat of green Tang Bing try very hard to rush to escape, unexpectedly caught up anterior of big nobility.
The nobilities fear desperately, since the defeated troops can catch up himself/herself, that Piao rides a soldier to also make track for up, when the life is subjected to severity threat, the nobilities have to throw away all patrimonies, alone flee elsewhere and look for Zhao Huai En.
Threw a ground of ground patrimony, rode a soldier for Piao to lead the way, for Zhao Huai En's concrete directions, Han Qi is first not quite explicit, but had lead the way of,cheap dr dre beats, he sought to get, ten remainings ten thousand Piaos ride crazy Mao of soldier since then!
It is dawn, the nobilities really could not walked anymore, some people start escaping from a big brigade and sought path to selfishly escape, they don't believe that Zhao Huai En can resist live Mo Qi Zhe, would rather escape than accompany him to walk into death the another nation goes, perhaps can still drag out a shameful existence!
Zhao Huai En's real main force is moving toward green direction Tang, his worrying is calculated by Li Rou Ren, so sends an a little amount troops battle to by the lake in Qing Lake and want to make Li Rou Ren become the main force that resists Mo Qi Zhe with this, while he then takes advantage o green Tang Cheng by himself empty.Recover this national capital.This kind of viewpoint probably gets better effect under the normal condition, can man proposes, God disposes, he has never thought Mo Qi Zhe at send troops triangle before the city, have already accepted to take a summer of west a soldier, not only such, connect Zhao Huai En believe deeply to doubt not intelligence report.Is also the skill leave of Mo Qi Zhe to build!
Zhao Huai En leads troops headway and marches speed to combine not too and quickly, he thinks after getting lake ground war bulletin in Qing Lake and quickly marches again, as long as rob the front of the summer soldier at the west to get into green Tang Cheng enough.Walked faster for one night.The soldiers are all very exhausted, Zhao Huai En chose a slice big tree wood and issued order that the troops take a rest here.
Green Tang Bing doesn't dare to build a fire to build rice, can take out dry ration food to eat, thirst eat a few snow.Just took a rest not big short while.The troops parties after breaking comes to patrol and tells Zhao Huai En triangle city to lose to the enemy, there are large numbers of nobilities hither escaping!
Zhao Huai En annoys desperately.Once he know that the triangle city loses to the enemy, understand he the ground planned to fail, Li Rou Ren ten have 89 Mo Qi Zhe of doing not dare to opposes, put oneself in the most decisive time a!Seeing to by the lake in Qing Lake didn't take place to on a large scale meet for great battle, on the contrary is a Piao to ride a soldier to take advantage o him not at, give°ed the triangle city to rob to.
Once call a nobility for escaping, Zhao Huai En asks him a concrete circumstance, who know this nobility to pay falter I the ground can not say it.Get savage at Zhao Huai En under, this nobility just says that hasn't the city broken, he escaped, don't know later occurrence ground matter!Zhao Huai En one Nu under, chopped down the head of this nobility.Immediately orderany a soldier last horse, prepare to resist the Piao that makes track for later on to ride a soldier.
River Huang green Tang is the place that vomits the most prosperous Fan.Troops' amount is also many, north Sung year once declared to put on armor warrior 30 remainings are ten thousand debts, estimated "debt" this calculation method and Central plains of"D" likeness, namely there is an adulthood man in each debt, but along with for successive years fought in disorder, arrived Zhao Huai En ground ages, the soldier of 300,000 debts is have no, but 120,000 debts he is still certain, and lately- caught young fellow, at this time green Tang this troops over 150,000, and behind make track for of Han Qi first the department is mostly equal, as long as Zhao Huai En directs properly and ride a soldier or have with Piao a put together ground.
Snow ground inside is full to is a horse's hoofs to print, Zhao Huai En knows that oneself wants to withdraw to walk to also have no an opportunity, and the Piao rides a soldier to follow hoof to print to definitely catch up him.Since it is so, that still rather puts together and dies one war, such as can beat and win this battle, give Mo Qi Zhe a consumedly of shocking, perhaps can also control on one's own initiative, ride the soldier to the Piao and expel green Tang Qu, on the history with little win many wars of example many, who say that oneself can not create 1!
Green troops Tang is a steppe warrior, ride a soldier while fighting with each other blunt, few adoptions what strategies, fight field battle with the ground be one mouthful in chest courage, after hurtling into an enemy's the confused conflict is just!Zhao Huai En has ever been to north Sung, once saw the strategies of the battle of infantry, he realized successful strategies to raise several times of the troops' fighting strengths, he once read some soldier's books as well, but with west summer the troops had never used while battling last lead, this time for vanquishing the strong Piao rides a soldier, he decides to use a strategies!
Zhao Huai En orderanies troops to become three generouses alignment, two wings depend ex-, medium soldier depend after, two wings hurtle first while assaulting, medium the soldier Be even to move, this was the most simple pocket.Have no abundant array battle under experience, green soldier Tang can list of is also this!
Under white snow Ai Ai, green Tang Bing Shou holds a knife gun and waits for Piao riding a soldier ground arrival.Isn't much long, the horizon black cloud is rolled, the Piao rode pursuing troops to arrive, Han Qi first at in the soldier hoped to see anterior green Tang Bing and issued on order troops to stop headway, he also wanted array.
Han Qi first but the superior of array, he was used one eye, then what to see a Zhao Huai En's row is a pocket, funny in the heart, pocket that would not° until F square is stronger than an enemy use form, two soldiers are just about from the amount, can from the fighting strength, the green Tang Bing obviously weaker than Piao rides a soldier, under this circumstance Zhao Huai En unexpectedly beats a pocket war, he also too arrogance!
All need not Han Qi talks first, the Piao rode to get and then start to selfishly start issuing order, "row cube,cheap beats by dre, row cube!Lord's offending a direction is a soldier in green Tang Jun Di!"
The Piao rides a soldier to immediately arrange a brigade form, cube that is a best row form, the but again is to defend a form in most availably.Mix in the Piao to ride the western summer soldier in the soldier qualified match ground to line up.
Zhao Huai En knows although in order to defend a good, cube also the activity speed of this kind of strategies is the slowest, don't want to wait soldier's whole amount of forepart to start, then the troops of behind can put Jiang to assault!Sit with it to wait Piao to ride a good of soldier row a form, rather and in advance take the offensive, fight for the active power of battlefield!
One makes next, green Tang Liang Yi's troops launch to assault and rode a soldier to hurtle to pass by to the Piao.Han Qi says with smile first:"Zhao Huai En still goes, unexpectedly know half Du shot, take advantage o us to have a foothold don't steady then launch to assault in advance!"
Rare virtuous Sen way:"Those text officers in our Sichuan always say that vomiting Fan is unknown will, is all some will run amuck of pretty son, see to say also not to!"
Han Qi shakes head a way first:"Zhao Huai En if simple person, after can't losing a country, either again country.Such as at common he opens hostilities with this method, have no quasi- can also really bring us bigger loss, regrettable, alas!"
"At all the astute leadership of commander-in-chief under, we necessarily can put out this dynasty food and annex by force to vomit the Fan whole territorieses!"Together the generals voice claps a horse.
Han Qi first to or so took a look, suddenly say with smile:"All the commander-in-chief has no here, you are needless to clap a horse, still stay saliva etc. to see arrive all commander-in-chief again spray!"
"Is ashamed, become accustomed to, only on speaking of all commander-in-chief, we then will involuntarily flatter!"Will get acknowledge wrong and then change, leave precious saliva.
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